Green Tea side effects are beneficial to your health. Green tea has most likely been a part of the human diet for thousands and thousands of years; dating to prehistoric times. While it has traditionally been enjoyed by people in Asia, it is becoming more and more popular in the West. There is little question that one of the reasons for this boost in popularity is due to the health effects of green tea. Herbalists and those practicing alternative medicine have long held that green tea is healthy. However, it is only recently that scientific and medical studies have been able to show verifiable health benefits and positive side effects of green tea. BEST WEIGHT LOSS SUPPLEMENTS A unique mixture of Wuyi Cliff, Sencha, Puerh and Oolong tea varieties, Tava Tea uses the finest ingredients in its all natural diet supplement. Even though it is good for your health, not everybody likes to take their green tea the same way. We aren’t just talking about adding a dash of honey or a splash of milk. Here are three different forms of green tea. Tea Leaves. This is the way most people take their green tea. You take some green tea leaves (stems are okay, too) and steep them in hot water. The longer you steep them, the more flavor, and health giving nutrients you’ll extract from the leaves. Once it is steeped to your liking, strain out the leaves and sip at your leisure. Some people are under the mistaken impression that throwing out the green tea leaves is the same as throwing away the health-giving benefits, but this isn’t the case. Yes, there will still be some compounds left in the tea leaves, but the hot water will actually draw a lot of them out. So, you may get more nutrition if you eat the whole plant, but you can still drink green tea and boost your health at the same time. But what if there was a way to ingest the entire plant? What we are talking about is green tea powder, also known as matcha. This is the entire tea plant, with all of its nutrients left intact, but it is finely ground. This is a high quality product and it can be a bit pricey. But as it has all parts of the tea plant, it will get the most value for your money. However, not all powdered green tea is the “good stuff”. There is also processed tea powder (adding preservatives and other chemicals), but it is not the same thing. Make sure the label says “matcha”, or only contains tea as an ingredient. Another clue is if it is really cheap. If so, remember that you will get what you paid for, which isn’t much. So, consider a top weight loss supplement Tava Tea to boost your metabolism and weight loss. The side effects of green tea are all positive and helpful to you if you want to lose weight and shed calories. If you are looking for the best pre-workout supplements of 2017 please check out